
02.03.11 - After the Storm

3-3-3-3-3 Press

Tuesday's Make-Up

Tabata (8 x 20 sec on/10 sec off)
Dumbbell Bench Press
Toes to Bar
Ring Push-ups
Double Unders

3RM Press: 65#
Lowest Number of Reps per Exercise: 8/5/5/25

Comments: Two days off due to the blizzard. Ok. I chose to do Tuesday's WOD instead of today's considering I still can't walk, descend stairs or sit without pain from Monday. Upper body focus felt right. Didn't push it with the press since I was alone in the pit and the rest of the WOD was all arms. Used 15# DBs, did more like knees to arm pits, and single jump rope. To be honest I didn't really kill myself during this and I felt a little guilty watching Jenny, who decided to do the Level 2 Endurance WOD of the day – 100 box jumps, 300 singles, 50 wall balls, 25 burpees, and back up the ladder to 100 box jumps. OUCH. But it's only my Day 2, and I can tell my arms are going to be screaming at me tomorrow nonetheless.

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