
04.15.11 - WOD #4

10 Minute AMRAP

60 Bar-facing Burpees*
30 Overhead Squats
10 Muscle-ups

Int: 95/65#

*Face barbell, burpee, 2-footed jump over bar, turn, burpee, repeat

Reps: 60 burpees, 4 OHS
Comments: My goal was to get thru the burpees and make 1 OHS. I got 4 in the last, say, 15 seconds. It would have been good if I'd have done the burpees with a little less rest in between, leaving more time for the squats. Definitely started pausing after about 20, at the 10s and then just randomly throughout the last 20. Jumping over the bar got scary the more tired my legs got. Totally had to bail and fell on my ass during the 5th OHS. Couldn't come up out of the bottom! I'd be tempted to do this one again maybe Sunday if I lived closer to the Box. Oddly, I liked this workout?

P.S. I finally got my "3" in this week. I may have turned a corner finally.

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