
02.23.11 - Hang, Dip & Push

2x10 Squat Snatch (on the minute)

4 Rounds:
10 Power Cleans
8 Ring Dips
6 Snatch Press
4 Handstand Push-ups

Time: 11:02
Comments: First, 2 snatches on the minute might sound super easy, but that minute got really short about half way thru. I couldn't get the snatch down. Mostly I think because my legs are killing me and I couldn't get DOWN, but also because I sort of forgot how to do it. Once Todd corrected my grip (I wasn't wide enough), and I went to 10# bumpers so I could safely bail, it did get better. Second, SUPER scaled the WOD. Used 55# for lifts, which I think was a good weight. But used a box, with bent knees, on the dips (after Todd totally dissed me for trying to use a green band on the actual rings - TODD!) Knees on box for HSPUs. Per usual, loved the lifting part, felt sucker-punched on the dips, and did my pathetic best to try and get down on the HSPUs. Frankly, tonight's big accomplishment was just getting there. Everything, especially my legs, is killing me from last night. It's possible I won't be able to walk tomorrow.

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