
05.16.11 - "Get Low" Back Squat

Romanian Dead Lifts

4-6 Reps x 5 Sets Back Squat
2 seconds pause at bottom of movement, rest 2 minutes b/w efforts

Russian KBS, unbroken & heavy:
21 reps x 4 sets, 45s rest

Partner Rows:
250m Row x 4 @ 90%
Rest as required for partner to accomplish set (goal: <60s)

Dead Lift: Never did these Romanian ones before? So used a bar, then 55# just to learn it.
Back Squat: 45/65/85/105x3/105#x3*
KB: 20/25/35/35#
Row: 1:47/1:50/1:52/1:51 (500m average)

Comments: Didn't get the 4-6 reps at the heavier weight, but still far exceeded my 1RM back squat, even with the 2 sec. pause at the bottom. This felt good actually. Used my checkpoints for form and I think that really helped. Went heavier than I wanted on the KB, but got thru it. Died during the rows. DIED. But I am happy with the numbers. Was hoping to stay under 2:00, so these low 50s was good for me. But I was, like I said, DYING during them. I still feel hot and tired. The back of my neck hurts. Not sure what got kinked in there, but I think I worked some of my weekend run pain out, so that's good too.

*My recorded 1RM for back squat is 85#, and today I did a 3RM at 20# over that number... I guess I need to get a current 1RM recorded...

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