
10.05.11 - Press It

Skill: Double Unders

3-3-3-3-3 Press

20 Back Extensions/Good Mornings
20 Hollow Rocks

DUs: In 4 minutes, I was able to do about 35 double unders. That is, single-doubl-single rhythm, stringing about 4-6 together at a time. I could have probably done this faster but I was W I N D E D so I took a lot of breaks. Worried about breaking my foot.

My 1RM for Press is 85#. I had a RUDE wake up call yesterday as to just how weak I've gotten. 55# was hard. I tried to bump it up to 60 and could only do 2 reps before I failed. Then I went to 57# and got it for 3. I went back during a rest and grabbed my folder. 3-3-3-1-1 ended with a 82# press. It had a February date on it, so it must have been Feb 2010. Man, have I lost some power here. I also think I was psyching myself out, tho.

Did 35# good mornings and attempted the hollow rocks ok. Took about 10 minutes.

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