
09.21.11 - Back Squat Diane

5 x 3 Wall Climbers
Skill: Low-bar Back Squat Technique

Modified "Diane"
Back Squats
Handstand Push-ups

Time: 9:07
Comments: I didn't think I could make it today. I could not blow-dry my hair this morning. I woke up last night every time I moved in my sleep. Raising my hands, not just over head, but to my keyboard, hurt. Bad. But I thought it might help to warm up, move around. Did it? I'm not sure. Only slightly.

I ran 800m to start and then tried to row. I pussy-footed around the wall climbers. I stretched and pressure-cooked areas with a lacrosse ball. It was all killing. I used only 55# on the back squats and did girl, hand-release (snaked) push-ups instead of HSPU's. I can't even believe I was able to do that lame scale. Granted the back squats was pretty easy at that weight as my legs weren't killing me, but I didn't care about slacking, thanks to my fear of making my legs hurt as bad tomorrow as my arms do right now. It hurts to type. Literally. I knew after the time off I would suffer, but I can't believe how this feels. Sometimes when I am reaching for things, I use my other hand as support for the moving arm. I have had extreme pain in my elbow pits, and legs before, but nothing like this in the shoulder and triceps. I'll get back in the game, but I need to take it slow. Clearly.

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