
09.13.11 - Back in the...

3-3-3-3-3 RM Push Press

AMRAP of each x3, resting 90 seconds in between each set.

3RM: 55/65/75/85/90#*
Pull-ups: 7/6/5
Push-ups: 15/12/10

Comments: And here we go, after another long hiatus. I really have a hard time committing myself to workouts when the summer panic sets in after the 4th of July, so yes, I did take some time off to enjoy myself in my favorite season. But it's time to get serious again. I'm taking a new approach to WHY I'm doing this, and mostly right now it's go give myself some energy. I feel lazy and lethargic a lot, and I know it's because I've been lazy and lethargic. And, I have enough trouble when the days get shorter and colder without being moody too. I really think being in a routine and getting moving will help my overall disposition. Right?

So, it was a good day back. I was shocked at my push press numbers. Tweaked my back during the last rep but only feel stiff – okay so far today. Used grey band pull-ups and girl push-ups. I probably could have done more of each. I was trying to get low on the push-ups/not cheat the movement, which may account for my low #s. The grey band started out launching me over the bar, but by the end of each I was having a hard time. So there's Day One. Also, rowed and ran for warm-up. Both felt decent. Then Terry had us to some KB swings and stretching that felt great.

Oh, heard the gym is moving. Again. This really ticks me off. A lot.

*This was only 5# under my 1RM!

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