
03.04.11 – Unbroken

Max set of Strict Chin-ups x 3
90s Rest b/w sets.

21 Thrusters, fast. Rest 90sec
21 KB Swings, Rest 90s
21 Jumping Pullups
Rest 2 minutes

15 Thrusters, Rest 60s
15 KB Swings, Rest 60s
15 Jumping Pullups
Rest 2 minutes

9 Thrusters, Rest 45s
9 KB Swings, Rest 45s
9 Jumping Pullups

Rx: 95/65
Intermediate: 75/45
Beginner: 55/35
KB: 55/35

Chin-ups: 2-2-3 (green band)
Time: 15:11
Comments: 35# barbell, 20# KB, severe use of legs on jumping pull-ups, but arms fully extended. Feared a tear, believe it or not, on the first set of pull-ups and Thanked God for the rest in between each. I actually loved this WOD. Managed it all unbroken but had I gone 45/30# on the bar and KB instead, that likely would not have been the case.

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