
04.08.11 - WOD #3

5 Minute AMRAP:
Squat Clean & Jerk

165/110# Games
155/95# ACF Rx
115/85# ACF Intermediate
85/55# ACF Beginner

Checkout: 12 minute circuit of KB Swings, Jumping Pull-ups, Sit-ups, and Hand-release Push-ups. 1 min on each for 3 rounds.

Reps: 14
Comments: The load was different on the website for girls intermediate but we did 85# at ours, which is what I did. Love the WODs with the weights. I feel it everywhere already. Coming out of the squat was the most challenging for me, but I was able to pretty much get under the bar and catch it down low. Pausing in the rack position and pushing it up was the way easier half for me. I don't really know if I could have done more. I felt like I was moving the whole time but taking seconds to regroup mentally in between each so I didn't fail/bail. Was hoping for 10 and when Laura said 14 I about died. Sweet! But I fear walking tomorrow is going to be tough.

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