
01.14.10 - Randy

75 Power Snatches (75/55#)
Watch the video.

10/10, 9/9, 8/8 --> 1/1
Push ups/Knees to elbows

Time: 7:18 (40#)
Comments: Should have done 45 or 50# probably. Broke it down 15/10/10/10/10/10/5/5. Thought my form felt pretty decent. You can definitely tell when you do it "right" – the bar seems to almost get up there with your momentum. A little more weight would have been a little more challenging, and I probably could have taken a bit more of a beating only not sure I would have said that immediately upon completion at the 40#. The Checkout was just plain rude. Knees to elbows was a lot easier more manageable when I chalked up my hands that were still sweating so profusely I was sliding off the bar.

We decided to go two days in a row because we both sorta love these lifting workouts and we don't have the stuff to do them at home. Yet. I was surprised that row yesterday didn't incapacitate me today. I think that may be a good sign that I'm getting stronger – because I was dying during it.

To Do: Get my 500m Row completed and recorded at the Roessler's Box. Beat Brad and Bloomie's time (1:50).


Aaron said...

Super job on RANDY! I've never done that benchmark and should.

Does the Roessler Box rowing challenge accept videos mailed in from Portland?! My heart is racing just thinking about it.

Josh Schmitt said...




I'm very proud to see you taking this all so seriously Hill. ACF, Jen & I are a part of your life now so get used to it. I can't wait to see this whole thing evolve into something remarkable.

Hillary's Brook said...

You need to do better than 1:34 clearly. I almost died today when I heard you have already graduated to Level 2??? I feel blessed I know you, for that and many other reasons.

Re Randy: Of course I hope you realized I did it at 40#. I can't wait to start hitting the Rx'd numbers, but as a newbie I feel I am still figuring out where I stand. And it's fun to create a sort of personal baseline for some of this stuff after I attempt it first time.

Katy said...

I can't wait for you to take down Brad and Bloomie. You will hold the women's 500m row record at our box.

Steve said...

My 1:34.2 is feeling pretty obsolete. I am going to have to do it again soon to get an updated time, but its freaking me out to think about it.

Hillary's Brook said...

Josh: Your support is incredible.

Katy: I'd like to see you take those jokers down too!

Steve: I was just thinking on my drive home maybe I should put myself to the test tomorrow when I drop Katy off after yoga. Then my palms started to sweat and I thought, Are you crazy? Next weekend for sure. Book it.