
01.13.10 - NTRVLS

6 x 500 meter Rows
2 minute rest interval

5 x 1 minute Planks
1 minute rest in between

PNF Stretching
3 x per leg/hamstring
passive 30 sec/active 20 sec

Time: 2:07. 2:04. 2:08, 2:10. 2:08, 2:08
Comments: This one for some reason made me so nervous I was sick to my stomach when we left for the gym. Rowing hurts in all kinds of places, and I wondered what would fail me first. In between the sets, my forearms felt it a lot. Lots of tingling and even red blotches. During it was hard to tell what hurt most. My quads definitely went in the first round. For the first two rest intervals, I didn't get off the seat because I was afraid to try and stand up. I got up after the third, but not again until it was over. Lots of sweating for a non-sweater.

Followed by planks. Are you kidding me? I failed at this. I mean, I did the best I could and tried to keep my hips down, use my abs and all that, but common. I definitely "rested" by putting my ass up in the air, and once or twice went so far as to put a knee down for a sec. After about the third one I said to Katy, I think this might be worse than the rows.

I am already sore across the top of my back and in my shoulders and it seriously might be from the planks! I am also actively thinking of transitioning to a more Paleo way of eating. Nothing crazy, just more conscious.

Highlight: When Josh said, "I don't see any grimaces? This should be FUCK-KING HOR-RIBLE."

REMINDER: Going to $5 Tuesday Wine Night the day before a workout does NOT make it any easier.

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