
01.08.10 - Push Press Max

Push Press

Max Load: 90#, from 55#
Comments: Could have probably done 100# but we ran out of time before the MetCon as I very slowly scaled it up. Plus, I got scared watching Katy struggle. Oh, and I had a hard time pushing up from my heals, rather than my toes.

21/18/15/12/9/6 Pushups and Air Squats
Separated by 100' of Walking Lunges

So 21 Pushups, 21 Air Squats, 100' Lunge, 18 Pushups, 18 Air Squats, 100' Lunge, etc...

Time: 13:40
Comments: The walking lunges were terrible. About 26 steps per 100' for around 150 steps. Brutal. At the very end (I was last in my class) a total stranger was standing there with me encouraging, "Knees to the ground! Knees to the ground! You're almost done!" I wanted to kiss and kill him at the same time.

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