From CrossFit One World, I was led to the blog of John Welbourn. This guy was great in the movie "Every Second Counts" if you haven't seen it. In the first post I read, there were several quotes, but this one made me laugh out loud. It could make a pretty great t-shirt or something... From his post "Be Smart":
"And since I am throwing out quotes to live by…'Show me someone that is fine with losing and I will show you a loser' – Steve Yurosek. I love that one."
Take a look at his blog, Talk to Me Johnnie if you have any interest.
06.29.10 - Filthy 50s
Practice Turkish Get-ups
Then for time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions (sub: good mornings)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Time: Just under 30 min. DNF (no burpees).
Comments: I. Am. So. Bummed. I remember learning about Filthy 50s way back when the box was still upstairs and thinking it was the craziest thing I'd ever heard of. Like, No-Whey. Then back in January I either had to miss or was too scared to go that day. This time when they came up, I was actually excited to see what I could do! I've been out for about a week. So I go to just do one burpee beforehand and whammo – that sharp, sudden, mother-effing pain in abdomen my is STILL THERE??? WTH??? I hadn't felt it all week and thought it was surely behind me. But nope. Then everything I tried sorta hurt, but burpees the worst. I hemmed and hawed on it thru-out my super-scaled 15# get-ups. I did some stretching and wandered around trying all the different exercises. I decided to attempt everything but the burpee, but super-scaled. Jennifer talked me into step-ups (12" box). I could do the rest of it mostly, w/a 20# KB, 35# press, a 15# good morning, and an 8# medicine ball. My knees to elbows were more like knees to chest/armpits, cause that kinda killed. I skipped the burpees entirely, and did 200 singles on the jump rope.
I think this was okay. I was dying to do something after being "off" the past 8 days. So it was super-scaled, and a DNF, but I feel good that I went and great that I got a sweat on. I really couldn't deal with having to leave without at least attempting to make something on my body feel sore tomorrow (Hello, arms! There you are!) – I miss it!? Hopefully I'll be in good shape next time this one rolls around so I can get a legit time recorded.
Then for time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions (sub: good mornings)
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Time: Just under 30 min. DNF (no burpees).
Comments: I. Am. So. Bummed. I remember learning about Filthy 50s way back when the box was still upstairs and thinking it was the craziest thing I'd ever heard of. Like, No-Whey. Then back in January I either had to miss or was too scared to go that day. This time when they came up, I was actually excited to see what I could do! I've been out for about a week. So I go to just do one burpee beforehand and whammo – that sharp, sudden, mother-effing pain in abdomen my is STILL THERE??? WTH??? I hadn't felt it all week and thought it was surely behind me. But nope. Then everything I tried sorta hurt, but burpees the worst. I hemmed and hawed on it thru-out my super-scaled 15# get-ups. I did some stretching and wandered around trying all the different exercises. I decided to attempt everything but the burpee, but super-scaled. Jennifer talked me into step-ups (12" box). I could do the rest of it mostly, w/a 20# KB, 35# press, a 15# good morning, and an 8# medicine ball. My knees to elbows were more like knees to chest/armpits, cause that kinda killed. I skipped the burpees entirely, and did 200 singles on the jump rope.
I think this was okay. I was dying to do something after being "off" the past 8 days. So it was super-scaled, and a DNF, but I feel good that I went and great that I got a sweat on. I really couldn't deal with having to leave without at least attempting to make something on my body feel sore tomorrow (Hello, arms! There you are!) – I miss it!? Hopefully I'll be in good shape next time this one rolls around so I can get a legit time recorded.
06.20.10 - Warrior Dash.
Climbing over junk yard cars,
Hopping over huge wooden spools,
Walking a plank over ravine,
Crawling thru tunnels,
Hopping over wooden walls,
Running thru a swamp,
Up a muddy hill,
Over a 15 ft. hay bale hill,
Over a 12 ft cargo net wall,
Trail mounds in a field of hills,
Jumping lines of fire,
and into the muddy pool under strings of barbed wire.
Comments: I don't know what to say. Supposedly this thing had 17,000 people over the two days, and 500 participants in each heat. It was crazy. I went very slowly, fearing injury on the route, but I made it.
06.18.10 - Freddy's Revenge
1-1-1-1-1 Squat Clean for Max
Freddy's Revenge
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Overhead Anyhow*
10 Burpees
*Get weight from shoulders to overhead anyhow – shoulder press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, front or back. Use rack.
Rx: 185#/105#
Int: 155#/85#
Beg: 115#/55#
1RM: 105#
Time: 9:03
Comments: Went down to do my push-ups during warm up and realized I pulled something very specifically in my stomach. It hurt! Tried a burpee. It hurt! Shit. So I didn't push myself too hard today. I was going to go for the 85# but was scared I'd hurt myself more (when I raised the bar, it hurt!). I did find that the more burpees I did, the less painful it was, but that could have just been overall pain distribution masking it's intensity.
The squat clean was kind of a disaster as the whole time I was confusing it with a power clean. Rather than barely lifting the bar and shooting under it, I was pulling the bar way up and then catching it in a squat I think? I don't know if this number should count in my list, but I'm writing it down anyway. The more I think about it, this was one we learned in Basic that I never quite got the gist of. Mark explained after that I should be lazier with the initial lift, and throw myself under it. His demonstration helped me see the error of my ways. I need to try this again before too much time goes by and I forget everything. Thanks Mark!
Warrior Dash on Sunday!
Freddy's Revenge
5 Rounds for Time:
5 Overhead Anyhow*
10 Burpees
*Get weight from shoulders to overhead anyhow – shoulder press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, front or back. Use rack.
Rx: 185#/105#
Int: 155#/85#
Beg: 115#/55#
1RM: 105#
Time: 9:03
Comments: Went down to do my push-ups during warm up and realized I pulled something very specifically in my stomach. It hurt! Tried a burpee. It hurt! Shit. So I didn't push myself too hard today. I was going to go for the 85# but was scared I'd hurt myself more (when I raised the bar, it hurt!). I did find that the more burpees I did, the less painful it was, but that could have just been overall pain distribution masking it's intensity.
The squat clean was kind of a disaster as the whole time I was confusing it with a power clean. Rather than barely lifting the bar and shooting under it, I was pulling the bar way up and then catching it in a squat I think? I don't know if this number should count in my list, but I'm writing it down anyway. The more I think about it, this was one we learned in Basic that I never quite got the gist of. Mark explained after that I should be lazier with the initial lift, and throw myself under it. His demonstration helped me see the error of my ways. I need to try this again before too much time goes by and I forget everything. Thanks Mark!
Warrior Dash on Sunday!
06.15.10 - Penalties
For time:
Advanced: 95#/65#
Intermediate: 75#/45#
Beginner: 65#/35#
20 Thrusters
250m Row
250m Row
20 OH Squats
250m Row
20 Push Jerks
250m Row
20 Power Cleans
250m Row
20 Front Squats
** Each time you set the bar down in the middle of an exercise, your penatly is 4 burpees to be done immediately before picking up the bar again.
Deadlift: 215 (PR! By 30#s!)
Time: 18:32 (No burpees!)
Comments: I can't believe the deadlift. I remember one of my first days at ACF learning how to do it and lifting 105#, which at the time was hard. Did the intermediate 45# and maybe feel like I should have pushed it to 55#. It was SO HOT and HUMID down there I was forming drip puddles on my row. I loved this work out, and knew I would when I saw it this morning. Felt pretty good overall but a little scared for how I'll feel when I wake up tomorrow.
06.14.10 - 300 Results
3-3-3-3-3 Weighted* Pull-ups
3 Rounds of:
500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Run
Time: 23:33
Comments: All day long I didn't want to go to this one. I didn't even sign-up until 4:30. I guess I'm glad I went? But I'm not going to lie, this was a tough one. I think I could legitimately count 3 blue band pull-ups. I don't think I've ever used a blue band before, so that's a plus. I "took it easy" on the row because the burpees were next, and then "took it easy" on the run, because I was DYING from the burpees. Burpees. Man they suck. You really do just have to keep going because stopping and starting is so awful, but keeping on going is just brutal. I really think I may have actually seen sweat flying off me and hitting the floor. Also as I was running, two girls walking a dog were passing on the sidewalk. They stopped to look in the windows. As I passed by them again on the way back they turned around and said to me, You guys are hard core! You just jump right back on the rower!? My response (gasping): Yes. It's horrible!
*Weighted. Haha. I did see one guy in my class put a 75# dumbbell between his legs and complete 3 pull-ups. Also quite enjoyed the guy who had kettlebells hanging off his feet. Nice!
3 Rounds of:
500m Row
21 Burpees
400m Run
Time: 23:33
Comments: All day long I didn't want to go to this one. I didn't even sign-up until 4:30. I guess I'm glad I went? But I'm not going to lie, this was a tough one. I think I could legitimately count 3 blue band pull-ups. I don't think I've ever used a blue band before, so that's a plus. I "took it easy" on the row because the burpees were next, and then "took it easy" on the run, because I was DYING from the burpees. Burpees. Man they suck. You really do just have to keep going because stopping and starting is so awful, but keeping on going is just brutal. I really think I may have actually seen sweat flying off me and hitting the floor. Also as I was running, two girls walking a dog were passing on the sidewalk. They stopped to look in the windows. As I passed by them again on the way back they turned around and said to me, You guys are hard core! You just jump right back on the rower!? My response (gasping): Yes. It's horrible!
*Weighted. Haha. I did see one guy in my class put a 75# dumbbell between his legs and complete 3 pull-ups. Also quite enjoyed the guy who had kettlebells hanging off his feet. Nice!
06.09.10 - Partner It Up
5-5-3-3-1-1-1 Press for Max
Partner AMRAP (As many reps as possible)
3 Cycles Each of:
Kettlebell burpee
KB Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDHP)
KB Swing
5 Air Squats while "resting" as partner takes a turn.
Press Max: 85# (PR!)
Comments: Personal Record on the Press! By 10#! Sweet. I had 90# in my head, but that was my (old) Push Press (now 95). One of my favorite things about CrossFit is the ability to see your improvement along the way, and today was a nice surprise with that press.
On to the AMRAP – Holy Hell. That KB burpee sucked! I could not do it right or well and maybe had two total that were even "countable", but who's counting. Lots of fresh bruises on the knees as I attempted to scale the push-up. Found out the A/C is out at the gym, which is a relief because I have been a sweaty disgusting mess the past couple weeks in there. Katy and I partnered up and I did only 30# on the KB. I tried some 35# swings and it was a struggle to raise that thing to full extension so scaled it down.
Oh, and don't tell anyone but I didn't do ALL the air squats. I'm a slacker but sometimes breathing wins.
Partner AMRAP (As many reps as possible)
3 Cycles Each of:
Kettlebell burpee
KB Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (SDHP)
KB Swing
5 Air Squats while "resting" as partner takes a turn.
Press Max: 85# (PR!)
Comments: Personal Record on the Press! By 10#! Sweet. I had 90# in my head, but that was my (old) Push Press (now 95). One of my favorite things about CrossFit is the ability to see your improvement along the way, and today was a nice surprise with that press.
On to the AMRAP – Holy Hell. That KB burpee sucked! I could not do it right or well and maybe had two total that were even "countable", but who's counting. Lots of fresh bruises on the knees as I attempted to scale the push-up. Found out the A/C is out at the gym, which is a relief because I have been a sweaty disgusting mess the past couple weeks in there. Katy and I partnered up and I did only 30# on the KB. I tried some 35# swings and it was a struggle to raise that thing to full extension so scaled it down.
Oh, and don't tell anyone but I didn't do ALL the air squats. I'm a slacker but sometimes breathing wins.
06.08.10 - Morning Routines

Power Snatch (95/65#)
250m Row between each.
Time: 21:55
Comments: Used 55#. Was tempted to use the 65 to get an Rx recorded and I can't decide if I'm glad I didn't push it or mad. I think the Snatch has officially replaced the Clean & Jerk as my favorite. I was completely drenched during just warm-ups so this was a hot one! The rows at the end got kinda tough but overall I really liked this workout quite a lot.
In other news: My morning routine is unique in that after my shower, I take the first cup of coffee back to bed with me where I sip it and read for about a half hour. I've been doing this for many, many years. I absolutely hate rushing and scrambling out the door in the morning. So I "wake up" for about 2 hours before I have to leave.
06.02.10 - Time Trial
Run 1 Mile for time.
Then 10 Rounds of:
10 Deadlifts (185/135#)
10 Burpees
Mile Time: 8:32
MetCon Time: 23:30
Comments: First timed mile since high school. 8:32 is 17 seconds over the Presidential Fitness qualifying time for a 17-year old high school girl. My pipe dream was to make it under that, but I was surprised I wasn't TOO far off? Did only 85# on the dead lift because I knew the burpees would kick my ass. Yep. They did. It was SO HOT down there too. I have to thank my class though, for cheering for me at the end while I died finishing. Bummed tonight is the only night I can make it in this week. But that was a good one.
Then 10 Rounds of:
10 Deadlifts (185/135#)
10 Burpees
Mile Time: 8:32
MetCon Time: 23:30
Comments: First timed mile since high school. 8:32 is 17 seconds over the Presidential Fitness qualifying time for a 17-year old high school girl. My pipe dream was to make it under that, but I was surprised I wasn't TOO far off? Did only 85# on the dead lift because I knew the burpees would kick my ass. Yep. They did. It was SO HOT down there too. I have to thank my class though, for cheering for me at the end while I died finishing. Bummed tonight is the only night I can make it in this week. But that was a good one.
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